Authorities Head Teacher: Prof. Alejandra Viviana Prof. María Soledad Coto Secretary: Prof. Daniel Alejandro Prof. María Valeria Practical Education: Prof. Analía González – Prof. Mariela Vera Jones Preceptors (Morning): – Prof. Ariel Itursarry – Prof. Sergio Corzo Bib. Julia Elda Peralta Librarian (Afternoon):Bib. Victoria Martínez Guidance and Tutorship:– 1º Año: Prof. Laura Ludueña Prof. Claudia Sanz Prof. Milagros Serafini Prof. Carlos Monzón | Means of Communication: By regular mail at the following address: Agrotechnic School No. 733 +54 9 280 432-0553 By e-mail at:General inquiries: Student Department: Look up here the timetables |